Who We Are
About Us
Your Education Partner
Over the years, students have increasingly tried to specialize themselves for admissions to top boarding schools and colleges. Some are athletes hoping to be recruited. Others obsessively pursue arts or other special skills to stand out. Even these students face stiff competition for a spot at top institutes. Then there are the rest who make up the vast majoritythe overachievers, the underachievers, and the average Joes without an identifiable narrative.
From artists to average Joes, Keystone has accumulated experiential knowledge in preparing students for admissions to top colleges since 2006. Since its founding, Keystone Education Consulting has provided high-end, boutique education consulting packages to students with diverse backgrounds, offering comprehensive, long-term consulting packages tailored specifically to the student’s individual needs.
Our People
What We Do
This category is the type of program we are currently
working on and the online self-learning system.
Click on the program for more information.
Boarding school
Academic Bootcamp
for intensive test prep
College Application Program
for rising senior
One-time 60 to 90
minute consultation
Tailored membership
consulting program
Test Prep
Test Prep courses
Contact Us
Keystone Education is located in Seoul and Hong Kong.
We’d appreciate it if you could leave a message where you want.


Seongdo Building, 14th Floor Gangnam-gu
Dosandaero 207 Seoul, South Korea
Seoul Office


One Island South, 1F, 108 2 Heung Yip Road,
Wong Chuk Hang (Aberdeen) Hong Kong
Hong Kong Office